Love another human as if my life depended on it!
As I read this intense verse, I found myself wondering if I have ever loved like my life depended on it beyond my immediate family.
Loving like my life depends on it invokes intense images of sacrifice and time that I wonder if I truly would want to give.
I challenge us to think about loving like our lives depend on it. That means loving people of all color, all nationality, all creed, all places.
That means taking time to interact, to understand, to listen, to hold space, to pray with all people every where at any given time, right! What else could it mean? Share your thoughts with me
*looking to shift your thoughts to create the abundant life that sacrifices in the right way for God's Kingdom agenda? let's talk Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we thank You that You love and gave Your life for us.
Not many of us love like our lives depend on it for those that don't love us, or don't look like us, or don't act like us, or don't think like us.
Help us Jesus to love like You love. Help us Jesus to sacrifice time, attention, prayer, etc to love like You love and to love like our lives depend on it.
Thank You Jesus for helping us to look more like You and to act more like You and to shine Your light in such a way that others will see and glorify You.
In Jesus name, Amen.