Everything in life has either good or bad consequences or a mixture of both.
Growth and healing of ourselves is an eye opening journey that illuminates things like never before. One moment we see a behavior pattern or relationship as just fine and the next, after some internal work, we see the pattern as completely unhealthy and sabotaging future happiness, joy, financial gain, etc.
Often when we come out of the darkness and into the healing light we see how unhealthy and broken other people are around us and to us. And then we must make hard choices. The choice of continuing the relationships which lead to falling back into the darkness and dysfunctional habits or limiting contact so continued healing and growth can occur.
Thankfully, though we must often sever ties with unhealthy people or they choose to not stay in contact, "because we're so different", our God never abandons us and always blesses us when we choose to grow into His marvelous light.
The road to healing may feel hard in the beginning but the road starts to smooth out as we grow in the word, in mindset, and in healthy habits and relationships. And then the road has less stumbling blocks, connecting to God becomes so much easier that He easily guides us around the boulders and stumbling blocks that before healing would have been so painful.
What part of the road are you on? Look around and take some time to journal out with prayer how your life feels, how healthy your habits are, and choose to see your relationships with God-blessed eyes to know what is healthy and what needs changing.
*If you're ready to grow more rapidly and with more ease contact me now about my coaching programs for the blessings you want are waiting for you to grow into them.
Let's Pray: Dear Lord God thank You that You never leave us nor forsake us in this life journey.
Jesus, You are the way, the truth, and the life, and without You our path is darkness and brokenness. Lord Jesus we worship You and thank You for calling us into the truth and the light.
Lord Jesus please show us what we need to see to create a life of blessings. Please rebuke the devourer away from our harvest of spiritual and mental growth.
Please grant us the strength and courage to make hard choices now that will benefit our lives exponentially more down the road.
We praise You and thank You that You are God alone and Your power is vast beyond all measure. You Lord never leave us nor forsake us even when others refuse to join our healing growth journey.
We praise You for Your loving energy that surrounds us with favor and guides us when we seek Your face and word every day.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Abba Father, Holy Spirit, Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah