Jesus said love our neighbors as our selves.
How are we going to love our neighbors and give them good things if we first don't love ourselves and give ourselves the goodness of the Lord?
What one goodness can you give yourself and others today?
I challenge that we remind ourselves that we are worthy and beloved of God. That we are worthy of making the choices and decisions that God wants for us NO matter what others think.
If we each chose to fix our eyes on God and stop comparing, shaming, blaming, and working to impress others than how amazing would this world be.
Today, let's choose that only God's opinions matter. Let's choose to encourage others instead of judging them or comparing their lives to our own.
Let's choose to serve ourselves the goodness of the Lord every morning and then shine that light in such a way that others see and glorify God!
*If you are anxious, a people pleaser, etc. it's time to break those chains and become the empowered woman God wants you to be. Message me for a breakthrough session today.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise that You never turned Your back on us.
Though we are sinful, selfish, and broken humans, You kept creating relationship with us. You kept casting our sins as far as the east is to the west--and then gave Your Son to be the unshakable bridge to salvation, redemption, healing, worthiness, and transformation.
Lord please show us today where we need to shift our mindsets, habits, words, and actions to understand our deep worth in your eyes and the love you have for all people. Help us Lord to build a path that others can walk on to meet You and be in relationship with You.
We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in us, through us, and for this broken world. Please teach our hearts to love like You love.
We pray for an end to hate, violence, dehumanization, marginalization, and prejudice. We pray for justice and systemic change. We pray for real revival in every Christian heart throughout this world.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!