Good Monday morning y'all!
I've been talking about how to create a Biblical Vision Board. I have a how to book on Amazon and the webinar from last Thursday.
With the bustling of Christmas you might not be thinking about #2020GoalsAndChange or #2020Planning
Soon #NewYearsResolutions will be swimming through
Daily positive change takes time and effort. Every morning I come to my Biblical Vision Board that's behind me in this picture and pray.
I look at my #DreamsAndGoals and renew my #MindsetShift toward my calling by God.
Though not every goal I had for this year has been accomplished, I am in awe of where God has taken us through this year. I am bubbling over with excitement for all God will help us accomplish next year.
It's amazing to me what God can do through us when we submit to His transformation and change and follow the tools in His word.
May God bless you this day to desire all the changes He wants to accomplish in your life. May God bless you to desire a deeper relationship with Him day by day. May God bless you to crave His holy word and imprint it on your heart and mind. In Jesus precious Holy name Amen
#TransformationAndChange #RenewingMyMindDaily #DailyChange #DailyRoutine #Meditate on the word of God #Future #Blessings #VisionBoard #Prayer #PrayingTheWord #ChristianCoach #ChristianAuthor #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #Success starts with #SpiritualAwakening #GiftsAndCalling #CreatingTheJoyfilledLife #leadership #bizbuddies #ChristianEntrepreneur #LifeGoals #Proclamations #Affirmations #BurstingWithBlessings