Ladies KAR Care is a one of a Kind Community specifically female friendly, created to help empower and educate women on car maintenance and care.
We empower women by teaching them the basics of maintaining their vehicle, and learning industry secrets, and tips they can apply themselves.
We've created an environment where things are simplified and easy to understand. A community where you learn to how to extend the life control of your own car, and even maybe save some long-term headaches, as well as money.
We will talk with Cindy and learn how she helps women learn and grow in the knowledge and maintenance of the vehicle that takes them and their families everywhere.
Interview with Cindy Calderon of Ladies Kar CareLadies KAR care one of a Kind Community specifically female friendly, created to help empower and educate women on car maintenance and care. We empower women by teaching them the basics of maintaining their vehicle, and learning industry secrets, and tips they can apply themselves. We've created an environment where things are simplified and easy to understand. A community where you learn to how to extend the life control of your own car, and even maybe save some long-term headaches, as well as money. We will talk with Cindy and learn how she helps women learn and grow in the knowledge and maintenance of the vehicle that takes them and their families everywhere.
Posted by Bursting With Blessings on Monday, August 10, 2020