Honor--we bring honor to our Lord by our words, actions, and reactions ❤️🥰
While it can be easy to feel an overwhelm to know that our Lord is honored in us and we in Him, He doesn't want us overwhelmed and then rendered frozen and unchanged. Our Christ wants us awed and shaken to action--to desire transformation and change to our mindset, words, and deeds.
Let's endeavor today to think about our thoughts not just let them flit through our mind creating words and actions that don't line up with our true desire which is to honor our Savior and to be honored by Him in this life and the life to come.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, we are in awe of Your majesty, power, love, and plan for each of us. We sing praises to Your name, now and forever.
Lord it is amazing that You would want to honor us. Oh what an amazing blessing. Oh what an overwhelming thought.
Lord please help us to not be overwhelmed but to be inspired to work toward the High calling in You that You have called us to. Please Holy Spirit work on our thoughts and transform them to be in alignment with the truth of who we are in Christ Jesus and then lead us to act in such a way as to bring honor and praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
We give You all thanks and praise Lord Jesus for all that You are working in each of us who are marked as Your own. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.