Hard days and bad circumstances--our God can use all things for His Kingdom agenda and our transformation and change.
But do we let Him?
This broken sinful world will always present us with a journey of good moments, mundane moments, bad moments, heartbreaking moments, and more.
But how do we choose to allow God to move through and in those moments?
I use to cry out to God only in the hard circumstances and beg Him with tears to fix it all. But what gave me the right to demand from God a miracle when I had barely a hint of a relationship with Him?
We don't run down the corner and ask a massive miracle favor from the neighbor we barely know. Then why do we do that with God?
God is waiting for us to build our knowledge of Him, His word, His way and to speak it into every moment of our lives.
Every moment of Christ's walk on this earth He was bringing God's word forth, He was communing with Abba Father.
Today let's check our relationship with God and strengthen it. Let's check our words today and bring forth God's word into it. Let's check our actions and ensure that we're walking with Him and for Him so He can move in all areas and circumstances of our lives.
*Need help building those habits? Let's talk Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's pray: Dear Lord God, thank You for Your love, salvation, restoration, redemption, healing, and power.
Lord we are in awe of Your Holy word. Your word is life, power and salvation, healing and transformation.
Lord please help us to cultivate a daily relationship building routine with You.
Lord please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds so that we can read it, speak it, believe it, and be it through every circumstance of our lives.
Thank You Jesus for empowering us by the Holy Spirit to walk out our gifts and calling day by day shining Your light in such a way that people see and glorify You.