Fear. Fear is one of the enemy's greatest weapons to keep us from walking empowered by The Holy Spirit.
For many decades I lived by fear and the enemy cheered to keep me away from the gifts, calling, and the blessings God wanted for me.
I feared and worried about everything--I ate a roller coaster of emotions all day, every day, and the consequences of living by fear instead of faith destroyed many things, and kept me back from so many wonderful things in Christ--the biggest one being the ability to finally know how to tap into the peace of Christ that dwells in all Christ believers.
In the book of Job, he laments that what he feared came true. And my friends that is what happens. The more we fear the more fear and pain comes to us.
Most often we fear to keep bad things from happening but when we walk by fear instead of faith we end up sowing pain, anxiety, depression, broken relationships, broken words, broken habits, and so on.
Which is better--to sow destruction or to sow faith and allow what will be--yes challenges will come but those challenges are far less hurtful then the ones that come from fear seeds.
Are you ready to learn how to stop the fear and fill your life with faith that causes the enemy to flee? reach out to me
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You that You are the way maker for every circumstance of our life when we walk by faith keeping our eyes fixed on You.
Lord Jesus please help us to learn how to disarm fear with scripture, prayer, and praise.
We long for the God-blessed life that produces a hundredfold harvest of blessings and can withstand the challenges that come.
We sing praises to Your name, Lord Jesus for our salvation, for Your sacrifice, for Your power and peace that dwells within us.
Help us Jesus to grow into a mature love with You day by day, Amen.

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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