When my mind is a mix of confusing thoughts, thoughts that tear me down, thoughts that make me fear--I run!
I run straight to God's word. I run to prayer. I run to my affirmations and proclamations over myself and my mind. I run to my Biblical Vision Board with all the promises of God (verses) that I've put up. *want to know how to create and use a Biblical Vision Board--let's talk, I have a book on it.
The adversary is constantly trying to devour our confidence, devour our good intentions, devour our peace, devour our spiritual growth.
The word of God says that He can rebuke the devourer from our harvest. The word says to call out to the Lord when the Adversary is oppressing you. The word here says take a stand--and I believe they mean stand on the word of God like Jesus did when Satan tried to devour His calling on earth.
Let's fill our journals with the word of God we can run to and stand on when our thoughts are a swirl of confusion and the enemy is working to pull us off the path God has for us.
*Need help preparing for every circumstance of life? Need help shaping your mindset to withstand the trials of life and come out stronger? Let's talk now 🗣🤳❤️
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for Your Holy word. Thank You for Your salvation, love and protection.
We sing praises to Your name that we can run to You in all circumstances of this life.
Lord please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds.
Please help us to run to You when our minds are a mess of confusing thoughts. Help us to rebuke the enemy in Your name and to stand firm on Your word.
Please Lord rebuke the devourer from our harvest of spiritual growth. And please place hedges of protection around our homes, lives, marriages, family, finances, health, and faith.
We give You all thanks and praise for hearing our prayers and being with us always.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!