Are you in need of health, energy, strength, and vitality?
I used to not realize how much my mind and words effected my health, my energy, my blessings, my relationships, and so on. I was so fixated on the swirling broken thoughts in my mind that I was constantly exhausted, beaten down, bitter, angry, biting words, complaining, draining of myself and others--never able to renew my strength or energy.
God wants us empowered mentally through His word and spirit so that our minds will be healed and our bodies can begin a healing journey that leads to an abundance of blessings.
It's not a lightening switch that flips. Your mind needs God's word imprinted into it daily. Your body and circumstances need God's word said out-loud over yourself every day. And then you will see that day by day you will grow stronger, more resilient, more empowered, more healed and healthy like never before.
Let's choose today to gain wisdom, vitality, and healing from God's word.
Let's choose to speak it, believe it, and be it each day so that we cultivate a hundred fold harvest of blessings spiritually and in all respects (3 John 1:2).
*Ready to link arms with me and receive the abundance of blessings that God wants to give you? Message me now
Let's pray: Dear God, thank You for Your word. Thank You for Your love, healing, and mercy that flows every morning from our time in Your word and in prayer relationship with You.
Lord please forgive us our sins and bind up our wounds. Please grant us healing energy from Your word and Spirit. Please infuse us with an amazing memory to remember Your word, act in accordance with Your word, and bring forth blessings to ourselves and all those around us.
We are in awe of Your love and mercy. We are in awe of Your desire to bless each one of us and to know us so intimately and lovingly.
Lord please surround us with hedges of protection. Please help us to extinguish every flaming dart of the evil one with Your scripture just as Jesus did.
We praise Your Holy name! We sing alleluia, alleluia, thank You Jesus for holding Yourself on the cross with Your love for each of us.