How do you make hard choices?
I know it makes most people uncomfortable to talk about spiritual war. But, we are spiritual people with a soul that feels other people's souls/energy.
God spoke and from His energy all was made. Therefor, it shouldn't surprise us that we can feel the energy of other's.
We have a choice daily to tap into God's energy and bring that to others. People know when we are speaking from a place of love or criticism. We feel when people lie to us. We feel when a person has evil energy.
As sinful broken people when we come to Jesus we are marked as Christ's own and the Holy Spirit comes to be within us. We can choose to give the Holy Spirit a small, cramped, and marginal space inside of us--which opens the door to the enemy to whisper lies and broken mindsets that break our lives. Or we can choose to take out the garbage of sin, sadness, broken mindsets, and increase in the power of the Holy Spirit--opening all of our mind, heart, and soul to God's power, truth, and might.
Let's pick up the word of God today and start taking the garbage of the world out of our minds and giving God the power to transform us and protect us from the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Let's pray: Dear Lord we praise You and thank You that You wanted to give us a spirit of power, love, and self-control so that we can live the abundant life.
Lord please lead us to the scriptures that we need so that we can break the chains that hold us back from allowing You full reign in our lives. We know the enemy seeks to devour and destroy--please bring Your protection and love around us and through us so that we can tear down the broken mindsets that lead us to fall into the enemy's trap.
Help us Holy Spirit to make the hard, good, and wonderful choices that lead to a blessed life in Jesus Christ.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.