Preparation! Action!
I talk a lot about being prepared for hard days, crises, and adversity.
We sometimes pretend that all will stay chaos free. But we know deep down that a phone call, an email, etc can turn our lives upside down and bring a level of pain and chaos that feels like it might break us.
As we spend time daily in the word we are preparing our minds to be able to wisely move through the day with wisdom from the Lord.
We are building a mind and spirit that can not only withstand the trails life but also grow through them and create a life that has more joy and less of the negative emotions that can prevail in minds not renewed by the word of God.
*need help creating habits, mindsets, and emotions that build the life you want? --message me Leah Mason-Virgin and let's work together. My programs, tools, and words from God work.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You for Your Holy word which saves, redeems, heals, transforms, and prepares our minds.
We are so grateful Lord that You are doing a new thing in our lives as we sit at Your feet and learn Your word.
Please help us to read Your word, understand it, and use it to build up our lives and minds to the blessing of ourselves, our family, and all those around us.
Thank You Jesus, Amen.