How do you plan for success? What are you planning for the rest of this year?
I think the majority of us believe that we can walk through our life and create what we want without intentional thought and planning--I know I often default to this and I certainly had this mindset for decades.
However, God wants us to plan with wise counsel. Even if we are sketching out plans that we think might need adjustment, based on His leading and prompting, we still should plan and craft our daily actions based on those plans, goals, and long-term growth strategies.
Today, let's stop worrying about what others are doing. Let's stop looking around for answers in a thousand different places and seek only a few select people to help us plan out and stick to our plan, dreams, and goals in a positive, empowered way.
*Are you ready for a coach that will give you empowered insight and direction for your God-sized dreams? Message me about my group coaching program. It's time to create an abundance of blessings from through God's word and empowered business success strategies. The key to growth is a coach that empowers you spiritually, relationally, mentally, emotionally, and strategically.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Lord we humbly come to You for forgiveness and empowerment through Your Spirit and word.
We are so grateful Jesus that You created a way for us to boldly come to the throne room of grace and receive forgiveness, healing, insight, wisdom, guidance, and empowerment to fulfill all the plans that You have for us.
Please, Jesus, surround us with Your favor and protection. Please bring God-inspired ideas, solutions, and big-faith filled people into our lives each and every day.
We submit ourselves for Your transformation and change. Please open our eyes to see how to grow in mature insight and bold courage.
Please rebuke the devourer from our harvest of blessings and cover us with Your pinions as we seek You day by day in word and prayer.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen.