Do you want to know the things freely given to you by God?
Today's verse reminds us that God seeks to give blessings to us. He seeks to speak with us through His spirit within us and through scripture.
Those unique beautiful and wonderful blessings are waiting for each of us. I believe that God wants to shower us with His love and plans for our lives. But He won't until we dig into His word and deepen our faith to be able to walk the path and plans that will delight us and create the abundantly blessed life.
Let's praise Him, read Him (because reading His word is to know Him), thank Him, listen to Him in prayer, journal what He is freely saying, speak it over our lives, and walk out those plans and blessings day by day.
#Devotional #Bible #BibleStudy #CreatingABlessedLife #Blessings #Unique #FreelyGiven #HolySpirit #SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #ThankfulGratefulBlessed #TransformationAndChange #DoIntoFeeling #WalkOutYourCalling #ActionInsteadOfExcuses #PlansHeHasForUs #Faith #ChristianCoach #ChristianAuthor #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #ChristFollower #Affirmations #Proclamations #GoalsAndDreams #DailyChange #DailyRoutine #BurstingWithBlessings