Success--how do you define it? What represents success to you?
I'll share mine--I want to do anything that God tells me to do.
I feel most successful when I have triumphed over fear and done what I know God has called me to do that day.
With God all things are possible--when His hand is working in our lives and we are walking out our calling day by day.
Often we go through the day making decisions without checking them with God.
Over the last 2 years of building this ministry business I've made mistakes, poor purchase decisions, and more. When I look at those poor decisions with a critical eye, I then can see I made the decision from a place of fear, quickly and without talking it out with God first.
If we want success then we need God to be in the planning, in the small and big decisions, and we need to be able to triumph over the fear that so easily entangles us.
*ready to grow in the word more and reap the blessings that God wants for you? come join FB community
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come to You with thanks and praise for Your love is beyond all measure, Your power vast, and Your Holiness beyond all full comprehension.
Lord Jesus we thank You that Your word is life, love, salvation, transformation, and teaching. Your word gives us wisdom and guidance in this broken sinful world.
Lord we need You. We need Your word and Your Spirit to lead us day by day so that the trials of this life and the lies that the enemy throws at us doesn't crush us and keep us from the inheritance and blessings that You long to give us.
Please teach us to ask You, to read Your word, and to rebuke fear so that we can walk each day successfully with joy that surpasses all worldly understanding and circumstance.
Praise to You, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Amen.

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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