How to get rich....
What is wealth, prosperity, richness?
To me it is a sense of more than enough. It is abundance in all areas of my life not just my bank account.
God wants us to have an abundance mindset not a lack mindset. He wants us to seek Him first and then all things will be given (Matthew 6:33)
God wants us fixed on His word, planted in His streams of living water, and working toward the fruits of the spirit. Because when we are planted in His word, we grow a mindset of wisdom, discernment, guidance, self-discipline, self-control, and abundance of love and mercy from our God flowing out to ourselves and to others (Psalm 1).
Do you want to be rich? Then start by planting yourself in the word every morning and soaking up His goodness with a mind to work toward what He is instructing you to change and grow.
Wealth, poverty, and riches all start in the mind. Because what you think and then say is what will create your actions and your life.
What are you soaking up today? What thoughts is your mind growing? What work are you asking God to prosper?
*Ready to change your thoughts, actions, and life for massive wealth and abundance? Message me now or grab a slot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You for Your great and awesome sacrifice that allows us to be forgive and free.
Lord Jesus please forgive us our sins known and unknown and please show us the sin that is holding us back from the abundance in You Lord.
We humbly submit ourselves for Your transformation and change. Please plant Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds and help us to replace negative growing thoughts and habits with the blessings of Your word that creates positive growth and change.
We sing praises to Your name, Lord God because You delight in our prosperity and we long to be wealthy in all respects but most especially to be overflowing with Your love and mercy to ourselves and all those around us.
Thank You Lord Jesus for being our Good Shepherd that leads us by hand and protects us from the evil one. Please surround us with Your favor and love as a shield and crush the schemes of the enemy away from us.
We praise You God for loving us beyond what we can fully fathom. We thank You for hearing our prayers and longing to grow us up into the blessings and promise land that You have for each of us.
Alleluia, Alleluia, we give thanks to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen!