What is worthless to look at?
The one that I see many of us do, including myself, that is simply worthless is look at what others have and what others are doing in a self-defeating or jealous way.
Our social media platforms bring a whole new level of worthless focus than ever before. Don't get me wrong, jealousy and worthless focus has happened since Eve focused on what she couldn't have and Cain focused on how Abel was "better than" him.
Let's choose to transform the way we look at others and interact on social media. Let's choose to be the encourager, the prayer warrior, the up-lifter, the light in a broken sinful world.
Let's choose to stop looking at what others have, or seem to have, and focus on what God has given us and what He wants to do through us.
Let's choose to magnify His name instead of magnifying what we don't have.
Let's choose to glorify His name online and encourage others to share the real and raw of life and growth.
Let's choose to grow in His word and share that each day.
*Are you ready to magnify what He wants to do through you and in your life? Come learn what Christian success coaching can do for your life in the most wonderful and powerful ways--message me or grab a spot on my calendar
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, we boldly come to the throne room of grace singing praises to Your name!
We worship and praise You now and forever! Thank You Lord for Your word is a lamp unto our feet, salvation, transformation, and healing that we so desperately need.
Please Lord imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds. Please grant us revelation knowledge of Your scripture and how to implement it into our lives each and every day.
We thank You Jesus for the mighty work You are doing in our lives and through our lives. Please grant us God-blessed eyes to see where we are focusing on the wrong things and how to focus on all the goodness and mercy that You shower down on us each day.
Please surround us with Your protection as we grow in Your word each day. And please rebuke the devourer away from our harvests.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!