How do you comfort yourself?
The enemy seeks to keep us from the comfort of the Lord, from prayer, praise, and remembering the miracles and blessings from God's hand. I find it fascinating how quickly I forget the the miracles and blessings of God and how easily my mind wants to cling to the idea that nothing good can possibly come through my current hard circumstances.
God wants us to dwell on the things above (Colossians 3:2). God wants us to seek His face, His word, His will, and to bring great praise to His name so that He can fight our battles, so that He can give us God-blessed eyes to see solutions and miracles (Exodus 14:14).
Instead of seeking comfort in T.V., books, or social media like I used to, now I run to my scripture wall and speak God's word--pray it, praise Him, and bring His comfort deep into my heart and mind.
Instead of whining, complaining, and becoming bitter, now I pull my notebook out and read the praise reports and scripture that I have there from my years of daily morning time with God.
Let's choose today to write out a praise report to God and put His word into our notebooks for the day of battle and for our daily comfort and growth.
*Let's link arms and build up your dreams, goals, and blessings. Did you know I'm a certified life coach and certified business coach? Did you know that transforming your life doesn't need to feel hard and overwhelming? Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You Lord for Your mercy and sacrifice that wins the battle against sin and death.
Lord Jesus we bow down in praise and reverence for Your love, comfort, and peace that You have given each of us who call You our Lord and Savior.
Lord please lead us to remember Your miracles, blessings, and provisions. Please surround us with Your loving protection and lead us into Your scripture that brings wisdom, insight, and comfort in all circumstances.
Please give us Your miracle solutions to our circumstances that are weighing heavily on our minds. We know that You go before us fighting our battles and creating miracles when we walk by faith, trust, and peace to see how You will craft the outcomes of the circumstances in our life.
We thank You and praise You that You always hear us. Please Lord help us to accept and embrace any answer You give us whether it looks like what we think is best or not.
We thank and praise You now and forever, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Amen!