What are you creating inside of yourself and outside into the world, today?
Verse of the day:
Psalm 51:8 Complete Jewish Bible
Still, you want truth in the inner person;
so make me know wisdom in my inmost heart.
Everything we do flows from our inner person. The child that was--all that we witnessed and came to believe is deep inside of us and they are driving what we are creating, saying, doing, reacting to every moment of every day.
I sometimes get frustrated by how much work I must do on myself--my broken, chaotic childhood is often painful to unpack, look at, and work to heal, mend, and create real truth and healing into the hurt, abandoned child that lives deep inside.
Let's choose to be intentional to look at the innermost child and care for her often. Let's choose to gently teach her the truth--God's truth that she is loved, worthy, more than enough, safe in His arms, never forsaken, always cherished.
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Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, maker of Heaven, Earth, and each of us, we come to the throne room of grace, truth, and mercy with awe and reverence for You are worthy of all worship and praise!
We thank You and praise You for Your love that surpasses all human understanding. We sing praises for Your forgiveness and mercy to us who are prone to wander, prone to sin, selfishness, and hurt--towards ourselves and others.
Lord please show us the innermost childhood wounds that need Your truth and healing poured into them. Your truth and word is a healing balm that we are all desperate for.
We thank You that You come near to us and pour out Your power and love when we come near to You and call on Your name.
Please surround us with Your healing, protection, favor, guidance, and truth. Please lead us to cultivate Your word into our innermost being for healing and empowerment to co-create an abundance of blessings with You every day.
We sing praises to Your name! Thank You for always hearing our prayers!
In Jesus name, Amen!