What do you need, to do all that God has put on your heart and mind?
Some of us have squashed dreams because of feelings of fear, inadequacy and/or not being qualified enough.
Our God is the God who equips us, trains us up, goes before us, teaches our mouths what to speak, puts wisdom into our minds, and makes knowledge enjoyable for us (see verses Colossians 1:12, Psalm 18:34, Deuteronomy 1:30, Exodus 4:12, Proverbs 2:10)
Our God will supply your needs, your wisdom, your understanding when you walk according to His plan.
How? 1. Build your Biblical Vision Board with Him through prayer and reflection. 2. Pray out-loud the word of God so it will be imprinted upon your heart and mind. 3. Ask Him what you need to read in addition to the Bible to gain the knowledge needed. 4. Find a mentor or coach to help map out your plan and the micro-steps needed to accomplish the large goals.
Are you ready for God to equip you and walk you into your promise land of blessings? Let's talk today! drop an emoji ❤️ and we'll connect 🗣🤳💁♀️
Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You for Your Holy word that is a lamp unto our feet and the wisdom our minds so desperately need.
Lord help us to vanquish fear and walk boldly into our callings with power from Your Holy Spirit.
We long for the blessings of doing Your will and being apart of Your Kingdom agenda.
We thank You and praise You for wanting us to be apart of Your plans. We thank You for helping us to grow, transform, and heal by Your word and Spirit.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.