Breaking through the walls of hurt can be hard but the growth that comes is so powerful and wonderful.
God's word says we can be empowered by His Spirit.
We don't have to exist depleted and locked in our past. We can overcome by the love of Jesus that we allow to work in us.
Spend a few minutes journaling after praying for God to reveal what is holding you back from all the blessings He wants to give you.
See where you need to bring God's healing. Speak God's word over it, every day for 30 days and see what starts to transform.
*Are you ready to really bring forth a wellspring of blessings? Let's talk Leah Mason-Virgin
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We praise You for Your love and mercy that can heal and transform our thoughts, actions, words, and life.
Lord please lead us to the healing that we need. Please help us to submit to Your transformation and change in the areas that need Your touch and our obedience to Your will.
Thank You Lord that we can come boldly to the throne room of grace and receive a blessing so large that we won't have enough room to take it all in.
We praise You Lord Jesus, Amen.