Are you hurting your life?
For decades I wondered why my life was never the way I wanted it to go. I wondered why I couldn't get happy and stay happy--that topic we'll unpack later. I wondered why life always felt hard and hard things kept happening.
What I learned--I was the one hurting my life. That the circumstances I was experiencing were products of my thoughts about myself and the actions that came from those thoughts.
What areas are you playing the victim instead of the victor in Jesus Christ? What areas are you choosing your way instead of the eternal way that brings blessings and positive growth?
Let's choose to empower and transform our thoughts through a method that brings blessings! Don't have a method? Don't know how to create one? It's time to talk with me.
Let's choose to do today that which will feel hard for a moment but bring an abundance of blessings every year.
Let's choose to align our thoughts with God's truth and empower our hand to the plow of growth and change through His word.
Let's choose to praise instead of complain! Let's choose to listen instead of ignore God's voice. Let's choose prayer instead of numbing our pain with the world's trappings.
*Come learn my method for living life with joy in all circumstances. Learn how to thrive not just survive. You are made for more than being stuck and letting life happen at you. Message me now or grab a slot on my calendar.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You that You are our Savior and Redeemer! We are in awe of Your love and mercy.
Lord please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone, and help us to know where we are sowing sin instead of blessings. We long for the abundant life in You and through You.
Please lead us to have courage and perseverance to listen to the Holy Spirit and start doing the temporarily hard that brings a hundredfold harvest of blessings in every season there after.
We love You Lord. We know that You have good plans for us and mighty wonderful works for us to do in this life. You are the God who sees everything of us.
We sing praises to Your name! Thank You Jesus for Your love and protection, blessings and favor. Please continue to lead us on the path of blessings and spiritual growth for Your namesake as You continue breaking every chain off of us and every scheme of the enemy.
Thank You, Jesus! Thank You for always hearing our prayers! Amen!