The Lord empowers us to do that which He has called us to do.
In the past I wondered why I struggled so hard to do certain jobs and things that I felt I "had" to do.
What I realize is that I created those. They were not the calling God had on me and so I was working mostly in my limited power.
I wasn't asking for God's direction, power, guidance, energy, and strength.
The more I sift through my "shoulds" and compare them with what God is leading me to do, I realize that it is far more easy to walk in what God is urging me to do--don't get me wrong it's challenging to rebuke fear and walk in my calling. But as I am doing what He wants it feels so different. It feels so right even when hard because I am growing spiritually.
Today bring what you think you should do to God. Ask Him what tasks need to be done and what needs a firm "No." Ask The Holy Spirit where you should walk and move through His power and strength.
This is a hard thing to wrap minds around--many American culture women feel they should do it all and never think to even ask God about the mundane tasks of life or work.
Often it takes rebuking fear, crying for strong faith muscles to REALLY hear what He is telling you to do and be.
*If fear dictates where you work and what you do, let me invite you to join into How To BElieve You Are A Woman Of Worth Bible Study. You'll grow a new appreciate for how God sees you. You'll grow in courage to rebuke fear and walk in your gifts and calling. link below
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You Lord that by Your spirit we are empowered to do what You have marked out for us.
Lord please forgive us for not listening to Your leading, will, or way. Lord please help us to hear what You want us to do each day.
Please help us to walk through our day with wisdom and energy from Your Spirit that dwells within us.
We thank You Lord Jesus that You love us with an everlasting love. Please continue to draw us to You day by day.
In Jesus name, Amen.