This is how I fight my battles....
Do you love that song too? We know that we battle not flesh but the spiritual forces of this world (Ephesians 6:12).
So are you battle ready? What is your battle plan? Where are your weapons?
I am battle ready because I spend time in the word and prayer every day.
I am battle ready because I sing and worship God in our home out-loud every day.
My weapons are: a scripture board with God's truth to battle the lies of the enemy and to call on the Lord for protection, help, rescue, energy, strength, wisdom, discernment, guidance, perseverance, stamina, courage, and confidence in God's plan for my life.
My weapon is worship. My Alexa is used to playing praise and worship music every morning and at any time that I need.
My battle plan is: preparation through knowing God's word and surrounding my life and mind with it all day every day. It's also a beautiful tribe of women that I can call on to stand in the gap with me and pray with me when the battle gets really rough.
Preparing for bad days, hard circumstances, and unforeseen changes is more than half the battle. Life will never come with an easy button. Life will never not have trials and challenges. Anticipating that God will use all circumstances to prune us, grow us, transform us, creates a different expectation and ability to thrive instead of survive what comes at us.
The world wants us to believe that we can somehow attain perfect equilibrium that keeps bad things from happening. God wants us to know Him and His word so well that we can speak His word over our lives and circumstances to bring glory to Him and blessings to all those around us.
Instead of asking God to put an end to all hard days, ask God for God-blessed eyes to see solutions where you think there are none. Ask to see His hand moving in miraculous ways. Instead of falling into depression ask God for energy, strength, perseverance, and transformed thoughts to create blessings through the storm so that you won't create a victim, defeated, depressed mentality.
Let's choose today to pray Psalm 91 and 20 (reach out to me for the cultivated prayer PDFs) and then let's sing worship music. Let's fix our eyes and mind on His word and start preparations for all that life may bring our way--the good, the hard, the intense, the mundane, etc.
Let's pray: God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, we come boldly to the throne room of grace to sing praises to Your name!
We bow down and worship You now! How awesome and glorious is Your love, mercy, salvation, and healing.
Lord we don't understand the spiritual battles of this world. You know that I often would like very much to find an easy button and pass the hard moments. Please infuse us with an attitude of perseverance and a mind to absorb all of Your amazing scripture.
We love You Lord and we know that You work all things for our good and Your Kingdom agenda. Please lead us to speak Your word out of our mouths to vanquish the oppression and lies of the enemy.
Thank You Lord Jesus for being our Good Shepherd that watches over us and loves us. Please lead us day by day into a greater revelation knowledge of Your word and will.
Please surround us with Your hedges of protection and rebuke the devourer away from our harvests. We know it is only by Your righteous right hand that the enemy flees. Please cause the enemy to flee in seven different directions away from us and cause what the enemy and locust has eaten and destroyed to be returned to us sevenfold!
Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord that You have made us to know Your name and we can call on You and You rescue us and satisfy us with an abundance of blessings, love, mercy, healing, and protection.
Praise You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen!