Are you working to impress God and others? Or maybe not caring to show any behavior change? That was me so many years ago--worried about what others thought, trying to make up for my insecurities, anxieties, and depression. Yet having no clue that I needed to start implementing the word of God in a real and active way as an outward expression of my faith and love for Jesus.
I was broken, needed healing and yet not letting God heal me through actively implementing His word. We aren't saved by working to show God we're good enough. There is no one good--no not one (Romans 3:12). How sweeter the love of God that He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
God is looking for a faith-filled love and a natural out-flowing of changed behavior from that active love and faith in Him. He's not looking for perfection--you can't be perfect. He's not looking for you to exhaust yourself doing every task--He never said do everything, be everything, take control of everything, meet everyone's expectations, etc. He's not looking for you to act like your healed and wonderful in front of everyone but broken, battered, anxious, and depressed inside.
God is looking for us to become ready to work with Him to actively heal. God is looking for us show the world that we are cultivating discernment on when to say yes to things and when to say no. God is looking for us to fill our hearts with the love of the Lord and let that flow out of our mouths and hands. God is looking for us to walk with our head held high knowing we are forgiven and set-free not by what we do BUT by who we love--thank You Jesus that we are forgiven by loving you and putting our faith in You! Amen!
*Are you ready to start implementing the tools from the word of God for true, positive transformation and change? Yes, you can grow and change in a positive way. Pop over to my courses tab on and start working on yourself to create the joy-filled life in Jesus through the Transformation & Change Coaching Bible Course.
If you are struggling with a difficult time and need focused help my 5 Days To Less Stress Bible Study is just what God ordered for you
