Lying. It feels uncomfortable just typing the word.
As children we are chastised for lying. We have an ingrained broken nature that leads us to lie for self-preservation, for self-gratification, for self-promotion, the list could go on.
Our words have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). The more we speak life and truth the more we are healed and helped.
Often the biggest pain and brokenness comes from the lies we feed ourselves--lies about self-worth and lies about habits that we excuse and lead to more pain as we stay stagnate and broken.
Let's endeavor today to hear the words we say to ourselves and others with an ear to know when we need to reframe the lies with the truth of God's word--we are loved and worthy! we can change and grow! we can change our circumstances and habits! we can live the abundant life in Jesus Christ!
Drop an Amen if you agree
Let's pray: Lord Jesus thank You for making a way for us to come confidently to the throne of grace and receive forgiveness and life.
Lord help us this day to reframe the lies with the truth. Help us to stop making excuses/lies for behavior that holds us back from creating a new life in You.
Lord help us to know we are loved and made worthy and whole by You. We praise You for all that You are doing in our lives. Amen