How often do you shower?
Weird fact I actually don't really like showering--now don't get me wrong, I do shower. I like to shower when I feel gross, but I am a woman who is busy. I feel like it's a huge time suck for me.
Lot's of people feel like the Bible is a time suck they don't like. Yet, just like a shower we all need it--daily if possible.
God understands the fleeting memory of humans and implores us here to keep washing our mind in the truth so that we don't get pulled away by the things of this broken sinful world.
Let's jump into the word today and scrub out the dirt and put in the lovely, life giving, saving, powerful, transforming word of God.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus thank You for this Sunday. Thank You Lord for Your holy word which is a lamp unto our feet and the daily shower of truth and love that are minds are desperately in need of.
Lord help us to crave Your word and truth daily. Help us Lord to carve out time for the precious wisdom that flows of the page, or the phone app, or the computer screen.
Lord we are so blessed with so many ways to encounter Your word and truth. Please Lord imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds in such a way that we transform our actions and words to shine Your light and love to all those around us.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen