What picture do you have in your mind when you think of power?
I often feel frustrated when my mind wars about God's ability to work in my circumstances, or my health, or someone I am interceding for.
My mind knows on many levels that God is powerful. He is the creator, the living God, mighty to be praised.
What I've come to understand is that our God is so powerful that He is meticulously careful with how He uses that power. His knowledge is so much more deep and complex than I will ever understand.
He doesn't leave us or forsake us ever. He also allows us to deny His will for our lives--that's true power. As a mother it's difficult not to force my will on my children when I know it's best for them.
I know that they must grow in knowledge and wisdom through their own choices. Just like Abba Father I choose sometimes to supersede their decisions but most often I allow the consequences of their choices to stand.
Let's remind ourselves today that our God is the living God, awesome and powerful is He. He is loving and careful to allow and bring about that which He so chooses.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, we bow before You with humble thanks for Your loving mercy.
Lord it is true that I don't always understand Your will and Your way. But, we put our trust and faith in You.
We know that You are mighty to save, mighty to love us, and we submit ourselves for Your transformation and change.
Please lead us to know You with an abundant awe and thanksgiving today and every day. We know that You work all things for our good and Your Kingdom agenda.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen