Bursting with Blessings

God Shows No Partiality: Devotional Acts 10:34-35

Happy Fall Y'all! It's feeling a bit drippy and chilly here on the East Coast--so a pumpkin orange background was calling to me  :-)

I love how God has created an amazing world for us to live in. Even though it is a broken, sinful world, God took care to create beauty in it for us to enjoy and for it to call attention to His love for all those that walk this earth.

The Bible tells us that the creation speaks of God's love and glory (Psalm 19). The heavens are shouting to us to look and see the love of God. The world calls us to transform our mindset and see that God is working all around us.

We can shift our mindset to see more than just brokenness in creation, brokenness in humans, and brokenness in ourselves. God desires that we open our mind, eyes, and heart--just as Peter here had a mindset shift and transformed heart of understanding. God doesn't show partiality--He wants you #healed and whole. God wants you transformed and showing His impartial love not only to yourself but to all those around you.

Let's embrace today that we are loved and chosen. Let's embrace today that each person we pass is precious in God's eyes. Let's embrace today that we can work toward a lasting mindset shift that will bring about all the blessings that God desires in our lives and in those that we impact.
😍 #TransformationAndChange #ForgivenAndTransforming #HeartChange

*Let's walk in the tools and teaching of God to create real and lasting positive change in our lives. The Transformation & Change Coaching Bible Course winter session starts November 4th. I'll be going live separate from our Bible Study times to talk about this unique and powerful coaching program. Learn more on my website at www.BurstingWithBlessings.com

#NoPartiality #LoveBeyondMeasure #TheHeavensSpeakOfHisGlory #LoveOneAnother #LovedAndWorthy #Creation #CreatedToBless
#SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #Courage #Faith #Devotional #FavorOfGod #DailyChange #VerseOfTheDay #Prayer #MindsetShift #BibleStudy #God #Jesus #GodsPlan #ChristianLiving #ChristFollower #ChristianCoach #ChristianMentor #PersonalDevelopment #BurstingWithBlessings

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