I love the Psalms because they are real and raw heart cries mixed with deep praise for our God!
I love that this Psalmist thinks that God has rewarded him according to how well he has done. And the Psalmist thinks that he has never strayed or done wickedly. Well I'm going to guess he didn't quite see the whole picture from God's perspective.
Every time I read these verses I humbly praise God for not rewarding me according to my actions, my wandering heart, my wicked sins.
It's okay to remember how gracious and forgiving our God is, so that we sing praises to His name and delight in His forgiveness with JOY. But what I don't like about some American culture Christianity is the constant message to stay there--stay stuck wracking our minds with our past sin and shame to the point where we keep asking forgiveness over and over and over.
Just like a true loving parent (not the mentally unhealthy ones), God wants us to say sorry, not do it again, and go play, go build, go grow, go love, go laugh, go delight in the beautiful things that He has given us.
Have you ask for forgiveness and then held on to it? Is it time to turn your mourning into joy as you look around with fresh eyes to see the simple beautiful things that He has given you and wants to give you?
Choose today to journal it out. What are you stuck on? What does God want for you? And then sing for joy and go play!
*Need help embracing the forgiveness God wants for you and healing your mindset on how worthy and wonderful you are? Then it's time to message me to book a breakthrough session with me and talk about my Christian Life coaching programs that will empower you to build the blessings God is longing for you to have.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before Your throne room of grace with joy and thanksgiving.
We are singing praises to Your name because You do not reward us according to how we have lived and acted. Thank You Lord Jesus for casting our sins as far as the east is to the west because You are our Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Healer.
Lord we bow down and worship You now! How great and awesome are You!
Thank You Lord Jesus that we can have The Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see how to transform our hearts and minds so that we can go and sin no more!
Holy Spirit please show us our broken mindsets that need Your healing word and help us to speak, believe, and be that healing word. Please show us where we are stuck and where we need to finally release it so that we can go and play with delight at the forgiveness of Jesus.
Help us Lord to shine Your light with JOY and DELIGHT in such a way that others see and glorify You.
Thank You Lord Jesus for blessing us far beyond measure and never according to our deeds.
Amen and Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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