Bursting with Blessings

Do You Want More Blessings & Peace From God?: Devotional 2 Peter 1:2

Reading the Bible felt hard to me many years ago.

Looking back now, I'm not entirely sure why. I truly think it is a spiritual battle. The enemy whispers that the Bible is too hard to understand, not enough time, to boring, and so on.

Now, my spirit and mind crave it. I understand it. It speaks to me on so many levels.

The word of God is healing, living water poured out on my confused mind, battered soul, bruised ego, hardened heart, and deep wounds of the past and present.

Do you want more peace? Do you find it hard to sit and read the word? Let's chat and pray together--I've got a block of 30 minutes just for you: https://www.meetingbird.com/m/rkJ747clv

Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. Thank You for your loving sacrifice. Thank You for protecting your Holy word from the beginning of time.

Thank You Lord that we have an abundance of access to Your living, healing word and Spirit.

Lord Jesus please rebuke the enemy from keeping us back from reading Your word and knowing You more each day.

Please Lord Jesus lead us to the scripture that will heal our brokenness, order the thoughts of our chaotic mind, and bring blessings the likes of which can barely imagine.

We know that You are working in our lives and are bringing beautiful changes in us, through us, and for Your Kingdom agenda.

Thank You Lord. Praise You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Image may contain: text that says 'Peter Living Bible (TLB) 2 Do you want more and more of God's kindness and peace Then learn to know Him better and better. For as you know Him better, He will give you, through His great power, everything you need for living a truly good life: He even shares His own glory and His own goodness with us! www.BurstingWithBlessings.com Sbeaner Believe Best'
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