Do you create trouble for yourself?
I didn't realize that my words and actions, based on my broken thoughts, were creating trouble for myself. I created depression, anxiety, fear, anger, distrust, and more inside my mind which created toxic relationships, financial debt, hardship in my marriage, hardship in my mothering, and unhappiness in the work I did.
As you spend time reading God's word each day look for His life giving principles. How does He say that you should think and live?
You are worthy of a life that is blessed, thriving, and joy-filled in every circumstance. Because that is what Christ died to give you.
Let's choose to lean into His instruction. Let's choose to read God's word with an eye to learn how to transform our thoughts, attitudes, and reactions to our life circumstances.
Let's choose to craft each day based on self-discipline, self-control, and an attitude of creating with Abba Father a life that will impact generations with the blessings of the spiritual growth we are working on with God.
*Are you ready to really look at your thoughts and actions to create the blessed life? Message me now, or grab a slot on my calendar link below, and learn how coaching will bless your life.
Let's pray: Dear Lord thank You for this day. Thank You Lord that You are wisdom, power, love, and mercy.
Thank You for Your Holy word which is instruction and guidance to craft a life worth living. Please forgive us our sins known and unknown, things done and left undone and so uplift us and create in us insight into what we need to transform today and each day.
We worship You Lord God because You call us worthy and beloved of all good things from Your righteous right hand. Therefor, we submit ourselves and our lives for Your glory and our good.
Please lead us to the scripture that will open our eyes and mind to see how to tap into Your peace which resides in us. We long to have peace and a joy that surpasses our worldly circumstances. We long to shine the light of love and compassion in such a way that others see and glorify You Lord.
Thank You Holy Spirit for granting us insight and revelation knowledge of scripture as we put our mind to learning God's ways each day.
Please Jesus rebuke the adversary from oppressing us and cause the enemy to flee in seven different directions away from us and our harvest of spiritual growth. We praise You and thank You for Your love and protection that sends an abundance of blessings and spiritual prosperity.
We sing praises of thanks to You Lord, Amen!