I love that our God will stand with us, count our tears, and comfort us when we call--even when we are calling because of a mess we created.
Often our heartache and misery is created by our own sin and misunderstanding of our broken mindsets and habits. And when it's illuminated that our very own actions caused our great distress we then mentally beat ourselves up over and over again with tears and anger.
God doesn't want us in a cycle of beating ourselves up and staying broken. We can't change our past choices and yes we must live out the consequences of our actions BUT why not run to Abba Father and weep at His feet and find out how to create blessings through the circumstances?
Why do we choose to stay in self-loathing and anger? Let's choose to repent, pray, praise, and seek the way out of the misery WITH God's help.
Let's choose stamina and perseverance to change ourselves through God's word. The psalmist even instructs us to PRAISE God's word!! God tells us the path out of the mire, out of the sin, out of the anger and sadness--PRAISE! Sing or speak His word out-loud! #SpeakItBelieveItBeIt
*Are you ready to create blessings without overwhelm? Are you ready for a healthy mind and a peace-filled home and life? Link arms with me and see what abundant blessings coaching through God's word can be for your life. The strategies are life changing!
Let's pray: Dear God we thank You. We praise You Abba Father. We love that You love us with an everlasting love that never leaves us or forsakes us.
Lord please show us Your Holy word that we need to sing and speak and praise!
Your word is a lamp to keep our feet on the path of blessings and joy. Your word is the healing glue that takes our misery and turns it into a mosaic of beauty that others can see and praise You Lord.
Please help us Lord to stop staying stuck in our past sin and consequences and start building blessings upon blessings for ourselves and all those around us.
Thank You Jesus for loving us and forgiving us. Please help us to see what sin is holding us back from crafting a dynamic and joy-filled life in and through You.
We humbly repent of our sins and submit ourselves for Your transformation and change. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your peace inside of us and Your Holy Spirit illuminating our path.
Thank You Abba Father! Amen!