Each of these verses today are a beautiful truth just waiting for us to reflect on them, thank God for them, and then live like we know them.
I often wondered for decades how people didn't have worry and anxiety plague them. And then one day the truth finally got through--I either trust that God will craft the outcome of my circumstances or I don't. It was simple--yet took effort to truly embrace after decades of worry, fear, anxiety, and depression.
The more I sought the Lord and repeated to myself that He saves, rescues, protects, and blesses those that follow Him and His Holy word the more the anxiety and worry disappeared.
We're beginning a New Year. Some people love that feeling of planning and celebrating a new beginning.
Are you going to ask God what you should plan and how you should spend time with Him? Or are you going to tell Him what your goals and plans are?
The Lord saves those who seek Him. The Lord protects those who follow His commands in His Holy word. God surrounds you with His favor as a shield when you choose that His way and His outcome will always be far more wonderful than your own.
Choose today to seek Him, to ask Him what your plans and goals should be for 2021. Sit in silence for a few minutes after your Bible reading and ask God where you should be focused in the coming year.
Release your fears--because they don't help you anyway.
Embrace your worthiness through Christ Jesus because you never need to be ashamed of your past--it's been cast as far as the east is to the west behind God never to be remembered again by Him--so you don't need to dwell on it either.
Trust in Him to empower you by His Spirit and surround you with His favor, love, mercy, and protection so that you can do anything and everything that the Lord tells you to do this coming year!
And then write out the goals, dreams, and plans that the Lord puts on your heart and begin to break them down into daily tasks that it will take to achieve them. And if you don't know how reach out to me now.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty we humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and thanksgiving!
We praise You and thank You for loving us no matter what is in our past or what will come in our future, Your steadfast love is amazing, awesome, and worthy of all praise and thanksgiving!
Lord please help us to rebuke the fear of the unknown, to rebuke the memories of the past that try to hold us back, and to call upon You with an open heart and mind to hear Your will and way for our lives in this coming year.
Lord we only want to do Your will. We don't want to dictate what we think the path should be because that never brings blessings. Lord sensitize our hearts and minds to hear Your voice, to hear the plans You want us to put our hand to empowered by Your Spirit.
Thank You Lord that You have plans for us. Plans to prosperous, to bless us, to protect us, to give us a hope and a future that leaves a beautiful legacy.
Lord don't let us miss that through our pride or brokenness. Please heal us. Please humble us. Please surround us with Your protection so the enemy can't come near us and tell us lies that derail our efforts and work toward the goals and plans You want for us.
Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You Abba Father! Thank You Holy Spirit! Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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