What blessings are you seeking from God today?
There are quite a number of instructions that God wrote in His Holy word to bring us blessings and a joy-filled life and I definitely have refused to follow a good number of them through the years.
And then of course I would wonder why my life was a mess as well as my mind and emotions.
Why do we expect to have joy, peace, and blessings upon blessings when we don't endeavor to follow God's instructions for daily life?
I think that most of us deep inside our minds believe that following God's instructions are harder, more painful, and don't have worldly blessings like money, happiness, and ease. I would love to know if this resonates with you--share it with me in the comments.
Are God's ways so much harder? Or does following the world's way lead to more brokenness, pain, and suffering?
How often do we hold ourselves back from course talk, gossip, worry, laziness, overwork, overspending, judgement, bitterness, unforgiveness, the list could go on?
Where are you putting your energy? Are you working to know God's instructions to walk in them and to hold yourself back from habits that lead to suffering and brokenness?
Yes, shifting habits does take more energy, thought, and intention in the beginning. But then the ease, the joy, the healing, and the burdens of the broken habits start to lift off and the real blessings of the Lord start to flow in.
*Are you ready to learn how to shift your mindset and energy so you can follow God's instructions for joy-filled living? Message me now for a breakthrough session and learn about Christian Life coaching that can empower you into the blessings you want so much.
Let's pray: Dear Lord thank You for this day. Thank You for easy access to Your Holy word. Your word is a lamp into how we should act to be in accordance with Your will and way.
Lord please show us today what one thing we can start to shift and bring into right alignment with Your will and way.
We long for blessings to rain down from Your good storehouse. We thank You Lord that we can come boldly to the throne room of grace to receive forgiveness and the power of the Holy Spirit to make changes in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Lord Jesus please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone. Please help us to know what things we should do and what things we should say "no" to so that we have the time and energy to seek to know You better each and every day.
Please grant us God-blessed eyes to see solutions to the painful parts of our life as well as the creativity and the energy to bring forth the new habits that will produce the solutions we're so desperate for.
We sing praises to Your name for wanting us to grow into a deep and dynamic relationship with You.
Lord please continue to work on us day by day to bring about an abundance of spiritual, emotional, and physical maturity in our faith, our thoughts, and our actions.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah