Do we over complicate serving the Lord? Do we know what success really is?
God's word says He seeks the humble in heart who long to do His will and shepherd those under their care (Ephesians). You are under your care first and foremost and then all those that you encounter.
We will prosper and be blessed just as our soul prospers (3 John 1:2). Therefor let us serve our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls the word of God and then let that flow out in everything we do!
What is success? Success is a salvation relationship with Jesus Christ, Abba Father, Holy Spirit and sharing that love with others. This life is for us to worship and serve the Lord so that we walk into eternity with Him who loves us beyond measure hearing: "Well done, good and faithful servant."
Let's choose today to lead ourselves in worshiping God through learning His word, praising His name, and then serving others with eyes fixed on Jesus.
*Ready to grow your leadership skills and success in the gifts and calling that Christ has given you? Message me now or jump on my calendar for a success breakthrough strategy call. Link below
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, Creator of the heavens and earth, we humble our hearts and minds before You and sing praises to Your name!
Thank You Jesus for Your love and sacrifice. Thank You Jesus for the connection we have with Abba Father through You and the Holy Spirit.
Please Holy Spirit lead us to the scripture that we need to imprint on our hearts and minds and walk out day by day. We love the nourishment and healing of God's word and truth.
Lord Jesus please rebuke the adversary from oppressing us and cause the devourer to flee from our harvest of spiritual growth and the abundance of blessings and favor that You give to us each and every day.
We thank You for planting us in Your streams of living water. We thank You that we can serve living water into our souls and into others. Please grant us eyes to see how to serve all those that we encounter each day.
We sing praises to Your name! Thank You Jesus for always hearing our prayers. Amen!