What is flowing from your heart and mouth?
Your life is a direct reflection of what is flowing from your heart and mouth. Whether you love yourself and others is a direct impact on what you think, say, do, react to, allow, create, and so on.
For decades I had an unhealthy broken view of myself, my worth, and my place in God's plans. Because of my broken, hurt heart my mind, words, and actions were a jumbled mess that kept me blind, stumbling, and out of full alignment with God's purpose and plans to bless me and use me for His Kingdom glory.
Today let's choose to dig into the word and speak it over ourselves. Let's choose to heal our view of ourselves through God's view, word, will, and Spirit. It's time to love yourself and God please instead of people please.
*Ready for rapid healing and transformation into all that God wants to give you and use you for? Message me now and learn the method for full healing and empowerment.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for this day. Thank You that we can come boldly to the throne room of grace to receive redemption, healing, and transformation.
Lord please forgive us our sins--known and unknown, things done and left undone. Please show us where we need healing and transformation. Please show us the thoughts and words that are holding us back from the healing and empowerment that you want for us.
We love You Jesus and want to be more in alignment with You every day. Please lead us to the scripture we need to read, write, speak, believe, and be.
We praise You for saving us, healing us, and empowering us through Your Spirit, word, and anointed people.
Please surround us with hedges of protection and help us to grow in knowledge of You more and more every day.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!