Bursting with Blessings

Devotional: Proverbs 1:33 I am at ease in all circumstances...

Today's Devotional comes directly from my journal. As I read or listen to my Bible I will be pulled to one particular verse. I typically will cultivate a prayer from it as well as #Proclamations or #Affirmations to speak throughout the day to keep my #MindsetShift on where God is leading me or where I need to work.

See you all soon for our daily Bible Study and prayer time.

Have you popped onto my website? No. That's okay head over and grab my free Psalm 91 cultivated prayer and my favorite proclamations to speak life over myself. www.BurstingWithBlessings.com

Do you have calm? No. Then head over and sign up for my 5 Days To Less Stress Bible Study course

#TransformationAndChange #BibleStudy #DailyVerse #Devotion #ChristianMentor #ChristianCoach #Bible #ChangingLivesChangingTheWorld #SpiritualAwakening #Meditate #PersonalDevelopment #Course #Worry gone #Worthy to be #Praised #Prayer #ChristFollower #God #Growth #BurstingWithBlessings

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