Do you choose to change and grow through your hardships?
For decades I didn't change. I didn't clue into how God was calling out to me. My heart was broken and hard. My mind and spirit were not sensitize to His voice or promptings because I didn't read His word--and the lies of the enemy were so loud in my head because I dwelled on them and let them take deep root.
My friends if you are a Christ believer you are forgiven, free, worthy, and beloved. God is calling out to YOU!
God is trying to root out the lies of the enemy, the brokenness, the complacency, the dysfunction, and the past hurts. Because all of those things are a noisy gong that mutes God's voice.
Dig into His word. Dig into what you are going through and look at it to see where you are responsible, where you caused more hurt, where you chose words and actions that brought brokenness and then CHOOSE!
Choose to diminish the lies of the enemy with the wisdom and power of God's word.
Choose to spend some time each morning hearing God, listening to His word, praising His name through worship music and watch with an expectant eye as wisdom, knowledge, and discernment grow into your mind and life.
Choose to speak God's word again the lies of the enemy and the bitter root that needs digging out. Because He will pour out His Spirit, His love, His power, His healing, and His peace day by day until it is gushing fountain of blessings (Proverbs 18:4).
*Are you ready to grow blessings in every area with accountability and a method that produces rapid, positive growth? Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below and let's link arms.
Let's pray: Dear God almighty, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and thanksgiving for Your everlasting love and desire to see us refined and blessed.
Lord we repent of our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone. Please help us to know where we are responsible to change and where we need to release others into Your capable and perfect hands.
We know this broken world and the enemy try to tear us down and grind us into useless dust. BUT, You Lord have beautiful, amazing, wonderful plans to empower us to walk boldly, confidently, and courageously on a path of healing and serving that brings forth a hundredfold harvest of blessings.
Please help us to dig out the lies and the habits from the world and the enemy. Please help us to tap into Your word and have Your Spirit poured out freshly on us in a gushing, transforming, streaming, amazing wave of positive change and growth.
Thank You Jesus for protecting us from the schemes of the enemy. Please surround us with Your arms of love and protection. Please break every evil plan or scheme away from us and help us to tap into Your peace that surpasses all worldly understanding.
We are in awe of Your love and mercy. We sing praises to Your name Jesus for choosing to hold Yourself on the cross with Your love and power for each of us.
Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.