Do you ever fight thoughts of being unworthy, unloved, unqualified, not good enough?
One of the many reasons I know the Bible is so powerful and true is because of the real rawness that is exposed and transformed for God's Kingdom agenda.
Not one person in the Bible was ever "good enough" for their calling or perfect--except our Savior Jesus. But God loved each of them and loves each of us in a transformational and amazing way.
I am not worthy of my calling. I've done so many sins before and after my salvation. But, I finally came to an understanding that God qualifies those He calls when they submit to Him.
No matter your past performance, the mistakes you've made, the life you led or even lead right now!! God can transform you, God is calling you, God says you are beloved, free, and perfectly made for His calling on your life.
Come to the calling with a humble willingness to do all that is pressing on your heart. *And I'm here to help, so message me and let's build a plan and a Bible study just for your journey.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You Lord for Your power, majesty, love, mercy, and Holy, transformational, energetic word.
Lord Jesus please forgive us our sins known and unknown, things done and left undone. Please lead us to see where we can daily make changes to become free of the shackles that hold us back from walking with bold courage into our gifts, calling, and promise land.
Please grant us courage to make the changes, to read your word, and to build a transformed mind and life so that we can walk out our faith with actions that shine a light to You.
We sing praises to Your name Lord Jesus! Amen!