During times like these we are starting to see where friends, family, church members, and others fall on the spectrum of Christian growth and Christ-like love.
When we speak up, share the word of God and show how it applies to all people we are helping to educate and grow Christians that are in desperate need of pruning by God's word.
So today, I am encouraging each of us to share with other's the encouragement to grow in Christ's love and word.
We are called by the word of God to educate, admonish, and keep the bitter plants from causing trouble for the body of Christ.
Share below your favorite verse:
Let's pray: Lord God thank You that Your word is a shining light of love.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your sacrifice so that the Holy Spirit can dwell within us and transform our thoughts and hearts.
Lord please show us where we need transformation and change to our thoughts, words, and actions.
Lord please help us to share Your Holy word in such a way as to cause others to grow, change, and glorify You.
Thank You Lord for all that You are doing in us, through us, and in our world.
We pray that the church would be the biggest catalyst for an end to racism, hate, persecution, and brokenness.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.