Have you heard of Jesus glue? (drop me an emoji and let me pray for you)
I love to say that Jesus glues us back together when things are falling apart.
I love that this verse reminds us that we are constantly growing in Him and learning. We don't have to have it "all right/perfect/together" right now. We don't have to feel shame or guilt when our first reaction is a very human one.
I've realized over the years of growing in God's word that my human reactions don't last as long. I'm more quick to cry out to the Lord (Psalm 86). I'm more quick to strip away the blocks that are holding me back from feeling and receiving God's love and energy.
Let's strip off the condemnation that says we need to keep it together and be upset with ourselves when our first reaction is a human one.
Let's allow the tears, questions, and the heart cry. And then let's tap into the Jesus glue, the Jesus worship, the Jesus love that infuses us back together and grows us through our hard times into our promise land and blessings.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You so much for Your love and Your Holy word. Your word is life, glue, love, mercy, salvation, restoration, food, and water to our souls.
Jesus we praise You for making a way to receive the most beautiful gift of salvation and healing.
Lord You know all. You know every hair on our head and every heart cry. Lord help us to be quick to turn to You and strip away guilt, shame, condemnation, or whatever the enemy is using to hold us back from tapping into Your energy, love, and glue that holds us together.
We praise You for growing us in Your love and doing a new thing in our lives. Thank You Jesus, Amen