What does God think of? What do you think of God?
I love Psalm 139--it's beautiful poetry of our God knitting together our soul, creating the complex nature of our personality, gifts, talents, and future plans that He wants for us.
If our God thinks of us CONSTANTLY what does He deserve in return?
Let's choose today to praise Him a bit more throughout our day.
Let's choose to work on habits, words, and thoughts that are in alignment with His will and way.
Let's choose to see ourselves as He does--worthy, wonderful, forgiven, beloved, complex, talented, gifted, beautiful inside and out!
*Want to know my method to create an empowered mindset and blessed life? Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, Creator of our souls, we worship You and are in awe of Your thoughts and love for us.
Lord please forgive us where we have chosen to throw away the love, gifts, and good plans You have for us. Please help us to empower our mindset to choose to think on You and praise You more frequently with action to walk out the plans You have for us with bold courage.
We praise You, Jesus, for Your loving sacrifice that sets us free and marks us as Holy Unto The Lord. Please Lord surround us with Your hedges of protection and break every chain that holds us back from serving You with fixed, determined action.
We sing praise to Your name, Lord for lovingly thinking of us and working all things for our spiritual growth and Your Kingdom agenda.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!