Do you sometimes feel lost?
The Lord longs to bring you out of the desert of hurt and confusion and into your promise land of blessings, provisions, and life.
I find that I often know what God wants me to do but the answer/solution "feels" hard. And I know that often my feelings are not an accurate reflection of what walking out that task will actually be like. It's like the magnification setting is dialed up incorrectly.
God knows that we will have hard circumstances. But He also wants to lighten the feeling of it. Psalm 68:19 proclaims that God daily bears our burdens! What joy to consider that God wants to bear our burdens, but do we let Him? Do we reach out to Him through the day and ask for our thoughts and emotions to be aligned by the truth of His word and Spirit?
Let's choose today to release the outcomes of the decisions we need to make. Let's choose to see our life in God's hands and inquire of Him about every choice, decision, and solution. Then let's take bold steps of action without hesitation!
*Want help learning the tools of the Bible that cultivate emotional health and peace through all of life's circumstances? Let's talk about my coaching programs for you or go sign up now: How To Believe You Are A Woman of Worth Coaching Bible Study Program starting Nov. 4 or my group coaching program.
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, we are humbled and awed by Your majesty, power, love, and sacrifice for us.
Lord how awesome are You that You long to daily bear our burdens and to walk us into spiritual maturity and blessings.
Lord please help us to cultivate a spirit of release--releasing the outcomes of all circumstances into Your mighty, majestic, and powerful hands.
Help us Lord to seek Your face and inquire of You in every decision and situation thereby growing our faith muscles and harvesting the blessings that You long for us to have.
We know that with You is an abundance of provisions, peace, healing, and joy beyond the worldly way.
Lord please grant us a spirit of peace and joy this day so we can help others to see how amazing life with You is.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah
All who seek to know God more are welcome here.