Nourishing our minds and bodies comes from God's word living in us.
As we read and speak God's word we are planting health, healing, and transformation into our souls and minds.
I know what I should eat--and I know what tastes good but isn't healthy for me. I use to choose books and shows that were not healthy for my mindset--and my words and actions showed it.
I use to be anxious, angry, full of fear, depressed, and so unhappy with my life--but I had been feeding on the wrong things. My parched mind and soul were crying out for living water, bread of life, and a mindset shift to open my heart and eyes to see things the way God wanted me to.
Let's work today to listen or read our Bible with a focus on nourishing our minds and hearts. Let's put that Jesus glue on our broken and hurt pieces of our heart so that we can start to see the blessings God has given us and wants to give us. As we feed on the word our faith muscles will grow and our ability to start changing our habits so that we can walk into our blessings, calling, and promise land will become a reality instead of just a wished for dream. (Come join Woman Of Great Worth Bible Study starting May 4--link below 👇🌹)
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You that You are our living water and bread that nourishes our minds and bodies to Your Kingdom calling.
Lord Jesus please help us eat of Your word and imprint it on our hearts and minds. Please heal the broken pieces of our minds and souls so that we can walk into the calling and blessings that You want for our lives.
We long to be healed, restored, and strong in Your word. We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in us, through us, and for us.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.