Do you exercise?
Our God is a God of balance, beauty, symmetry, and Shalom (wholeness). To bring that balance and beauty into our minds and souls we need to read His word (nourishing our minds), speak His word (sharing love), and act in accordance with that word (becoming the blessing and receiving the blessings of Shalom).
Let's workout our spiritual exercise today--Speak it, Believe it, Be it. Let's grow our faith muscles, our love muscles, our Christ like being muscles.
We can grow through this crisis and catapult ourselves into our calling, our gifts, our blessings, and our promise land. Come join me (link below) in Woman of Worth Bible Study.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Healer. Your word heals and brings blessings like nothing else.
Lord Jesus please help us to read and grow strong on Your word. Help us to cultivate strong faith muscles from our daily reading exercise. Please imprint Your holy word upon our hearts and minds and help us to walk out our faith with gratitude and love for the abundance of life that You provide daily.
We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in our lives. We pray for revival throughout the world. Please speed healing and protection for all those on the front-lines of this crisis and to all who are affected. We give You all thanks and glory. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!

Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study 🌹❤️ Come join for 2 weeks of mindset transforming look through the Bible.
You will come away feeling the love God has for YOU! You will gain new spiritual strength to do all that You want to create the life of joy and peace in Christ.
We are going to get rid of our anxiety, worry, and stress--and grow our faith muscles like never before.
Learn With Leah