Being judged feels so unfair and painful. In our broken world people use their own set of experiences, insecurities, and hurts to create thoughts and ideas about the people they encounter.
Whether we are judged to be to young, to old, to radical, not strong enough, not smart enough, to smart, to sinful, to anything we need to put aside what others perceive of us and walk out our calling from God.
God calls you lovely, beautifully made, precious, a royal diadem in His hand. He calls you His beloved child worthy of sacrificing His Son.
When others create opinions on who we are, or our worthiness to do all that God has called us to be, it is our mandate from God to cast it off. God wants us walking in His truth. He wants us to be bold and courageous for His namesake. He wants us leaving what other's think of us in His capable hands. God fights our battles we simply walk in our calling and His word.
Let's pray: Lord Jesus thank You for Your Holy word that calls us beloved, wonderful, precious, forgiven, and strong.
Lord help us to walk out our calling and the truth of who we are in You daily with out care for what others think.
Help us please to give over those that hurt us or think wrong thoughts of us into Your capable hands. We long to learn to not let the worlds opinion affect our emotions and actions. Please guide us and create in us a strong sense of who we are as Your precious, beloved daughters.
We thank You Lord Jesus for all that You are doing in our lives and in our mindsets. We praise You Lord forever and ever. Amen
**come learn more about who you are in Christ. information below

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