How do you see yourself in God's agenda here on this earth?
How do you think God sees you?
You are a living part of God's Kingdom agenda and a precious stone in building God's House.
Today I'm encouraging each of us to journal those questions out in light of this beautiful verse.
If we don't know how worthy, valuable, and precious we are in His eyes, to His Kingdom agenda, to His building, then we will play small and we will not walk boldly, courageously in our gifts and calling.
For decades I didn't serve or walk in the way God kept prompting my heart. And I know that God can redeem all things but I also wonder what I missed out on.
My goal is to learn how to walk boldly and to encourage others to do the same.
If you struggle with feeling worthy then come join the next round of my coaching Bible study: How To BElieve You are a Woman of Worth. message me Leah Mason-Virgin or visit my website to sign up under Learn With Leah
Let's pray: Dear Lord God, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We praise You for You are mighty to save and You made a way for us to be worthy, loved, forgiven, and free in You Lord Jesus.
We sing praises to Your name for all that You have done for us. Your great sacrifice and Your great love transforms and changes us from sinful and broken to forgiven, healing, and transforming.
Lord Jesus please teach us how to triumph over feelings of insecurity, brokenness, and unworthiness.
Please help grow us day by day to walk boldly in our worth, our gifts, and our calling so that we can be an integral part of Your Kingdom agenda and the building that You are creating here.
Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.