We keep striving day by day to keep His word close to our heart.
When the woman who was forgiven her many sins (Luke 7) went to leave His presence I imagine how quickly everyone around her made sure that they hadn't forgiven her and that they wouldn't forget either.
How crushing that must have been for her to realize that her elation at receiving forgiveness was quickly snuffed out by the people surrounding her.
They wouldn't give her any grace--but she knew where her grace and love would come from and she followed Him. She stayed near Him to keep herself from slipping back into sin, sadness, and shame--to keep the world's message of her at bay she had to stay with Him who saves, loves, heals, and calls worthy.
No matter your past, you are made worthy, loved, and saved in Him who loves you with an everlasting love.
The broken messages of the world will keep swirling around you if you don't make an intentional effort to stay close to Him, close to His word, blotting out the enemies lies with the word of God, praise, prayer, and your faith.
Our journey is daily. This world doesn't let up. But He is ever faithful to be the author and perfector of our faith as we stay in His word day by day.
*Need to break the shackles of broken thoughts/mindsets that keep holding you back? That's what a Christian Life Coach does--let's build the right mindset to allow the blessings of God to flow in. Message me now.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks, praise, and awe for the love, mercy, salvation, and healing that comes from Your sacrifice, Your Spirit, Your word!
Thank You Abba, Jesus, Holy Spirit for dwelling within us and marking us as Your own.
Please lead us to the scripture we need to think on today. Please help us to imprint it upon our hearts and to stand on it when the world tries to shake us and break us down.
Lord You are the most wonderful and we thank You that You have made a way in the circumstances of our life.
Help us Lord to walk by faith, to keep Your precepts, and to cultivate a greater relationship with You day by day.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!