During a time such as this, sometimes the caregivers can become drained.
Those of us who love to encourage and build up must also build ourselves up so that we can keep giving in a positive, loving way and not a martyrdom, ego based way.
I might hit hard today but let me say that I want you to build yourself up in the word first. I want you to care for you each day. What does caring for you look like?
For me I need to exercise (and I believe that all should even if that's stretching and walking in place. I need to carve that time out for me. Everyone else can wait. Everything else can wait (unless a real emergency).
I need time with the Lord--it's oxygen to my soul, it's life to my mind, it's medicine to my soul.
During this time we might be giving emotionally more than ever. Whatever your circumstances are keep encouraging/caring for yourself and then spreading that love and encouragement out in beautiful ripple waves.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise. We praise You for Your word is life, salvation, healing, and restoration for our souls.
Lord Jesus please lead us to care for our souls, minds, and emotions through each day. And help us Lord Jesus to spread that care, love, peace, and encouragement to ripple out to all those around us.
We thank You Lord Jesus that You can use such a time as this to open up our lives to embrace Your word, love, and salvation.
Please bring a swift end to this crisis and help us to bring revival of love and caring to all those around us.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen